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Hey everyone, look at Rosie the puppy. Isn’t she soooooo cute??? Rosie just got a GREAT home with Kristine who was a retreat participant here in the last retreat and she fell in love with Rosie. Our veterinarian (speaks English, here in Ecuador), helped her get set up with all the papers to take Rosie home to Canada. So they are on their way.

We heard from Kristine today on our Gaia Sagrada Family Tree facebook group (you can join the group if you like!) that Rosie got to see the ocean for the first time and was scampering happily around in the waves, since Kristine and her dad went to the beach first before going home to Canada. Can you imagine what it must be like for a puppy to see the waves for the first time? What fun!

Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center was really too big and busy for Rosie, overwhelming with all the people she doesn’t know, everyone wanting to pet her and hold her, of course, because… she’s so dang cute! She was a little timid, but now she’s really blossoming with Kristine as her new momma! We are so happy that Rosie got such a great home with Kristine. We were trying to figure out how we were going to adopt her out, but Kristine solved that problem really quick.

Rosie was found on the side of a country road about 4 weeks ago, skinny as a skeleton, wet from the rain, shivering, abandoned and miles away from any house, so we have no idea how she got there. One of our lovely Gaia Sagrada volunteer work exchangers, Marlena, was walking the country roads and found Rosie, who was probably going to die if she hadn’t been rescued! There was a big storm brewing for the evening, and it was cold, so we are pretty sure Rosie wouldn’t have made it through the night, she was so weak and frail. She must have been out there for days.

So all the volunteers nursed her back to health for the past four weeks and took care of her well. Rosie was pretty scared, what a rough beginning. However, spirit made sure she got here to Gaia Sagrada so that Kristine could be her new momma!

Oh gosh, when you look at this picture don’t you just want to go awwww! Doesn’t she touch your heart the way she touched ours? Don’t be surprised if we have a rescued dog that needs adopting so you can take a little bit of Gaia Sagrada home with you!

We love you Rosie and will miss you. We’re so happy you’re going to be a resident of Canada now and bless all those Canadians you’ll meet through Kristine. Thankyou Kristine and may you and Rosie have a wonderful life together!


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