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Accomodation Prices

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Accommodation Prices

Enjoy the Real Ecuador! Come to the Country!

Staying at Gaia Sagrada is affordable and easy on your budget, comparable to staying at any backpacker hostel or hosteria even though we offer so much more than just a place to sleep at night. Prices include use of hot tubs and sauna, all meals, free wifi internet, grounds for hiking, and use of the community center.

You can only book extra nights at Gaia Sagrada for a day or so before a retreat or after a retreat, and if you’re coming for a retreat. Here are our retreat dates. We don’t currently have the option of coming to Gaia Sagrada for just a few nights outside of our retreats.


Photos of the Rooms
Casa Tranquilo
(private rooms)
Casa del Sol (shared rooms for couples and non-couples)
Dormitories (male and female separate)
Apartments (1 bedroom, kitchenette, and living area)


There are no restaurants around here. You are coming to the true countryside of Ecuador where the indigenous live a whole different way of life. This isn’t the city. This is a hacienda and organic community in the mountains among country folks. This is the REAL Ecuador. Food is included during and between retreats at no extra charge. Between retreats on extra nights, just help yourself and make your own food. We have fruits, vegetables, rice, grains, lentils, cereal, bread, oatmeal, spices, eggs, and everything you need. It is not prepared for you, but our volunteers and guests often cook together and you can join right in.

Room & Apartment Prices

Spa, hot tubs, sauna, all grounds for hiking, free WIFI, and more. Food is included in the nightly rate for extra nights. 


Single Private Room:
Casa Tranquilo – $43/night

Couples Private Room:
(price per couple) shared bathroom, double bed
Casa del Sol – $66/night

Shared Room:
(2 people, bunk-beds, price each person)
Casa del Sol – $33/night

(10 beds each dorm, male and female separate)
Casa Serenidad – $27/night

Single 1 bedroom apartment:
Casa Serenidad – $65/night

Couple 1 bedroom apartment:
Casa Serenidad – $105/night

Gas Heater, $2/night
Electric Heater, $3/night

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