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I have to say the January 10-21 group who just came through here was so wonderful we are still missing them! What a great sign they are for the energy that is going to come through here in 2015. We had an awesome January group last year, and an awesome January group this year. It is always refreshing when it is a really “together” group with huge transformations comes through. There were quite a few big transformations in this group, and quantum leaps were taken.

Thank you lovely January group for all your beautiful work together and for letting us witness your transformations, each and every one of you! You remind us of the great luck we have to be witnessing this beautiful work in the world! Thank you for all your respect for the shamans and their traditions, and being such a beautiful example of…what it is to manifest the Legend of the Eagle and the Condor! (When North meets South and works together, there will be peace in the world.) You guys make nice Eagles!

Thank you Scott for being the comic relief! Just by being there you make people feel good! You look good in a tie dye too!

Thanks you Paul for your dedication to shamanism, your strength of character and your beautiful presence.

Sarah G, thank you for your sweet energy and for sharing your lovely heart with us all. You are a precious angel.

Thank you Jose and Jacqueline for your wonderful example of a loving and supportive relationship, and may your dreams manifest so you can take what you know into the world!

Thank you Teri and Melanie, some seriously cool and awesome moms. May your beauty ways bless all who you come into contact with. You are a blessing to everyone you meet!

Tom, you are here! (Arrow pointing to this spot in the galaxy.) You have shown us all what it is like to leave behind the old and how beautiful it is to see a person emerge into a masterful version of themselves! Thank you!

Karen, thank you for your soft and kind presence, and for being such a great example of what it is to respect and care for the traditions of the South. All the support you give to others in the world will come back to you ten thousand fold.

Gillian, you are such a bright light, and you looked so cute in braids that we couldn’t help but call you Heidi, looking for her goats that one day! Thanks for the giggles, and uh, watch what you wish for, Sebastian might deliver!

Sarah W, what a beautiful soul you are! Thank you for sharing yourself with us and may your walk always be love and joy.

Thank you Marc for fixing our internet problem, the pictures for our walls your wife painted, and the picture we all signed and went up on the wall in the community center. Thank you for your intention to share with the world what we experienced here! We’re all on your team!

Adrian, take the risk, it’s going to be well worth it, and you have all the support from spirit you need. You’ve got a legion of angels working with you! Let us know how it goes, brother!

Sebastian, uh, thanks for not getting too rowdy on that first San Pedro ceremony and letting the gentleness and joy come in. It’s true, from that moment on you couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the retreat and everyone voted you the funniest and most surprising of all the transformations. Good negotiation!

Peter, may your journeys always be full of light and love. We know you were suffering physically, but you handled it with the grace of a master, and that says a lot about who you are. You are an amazing man!

Li Li! May the force be with you as you do your work in the world, secret agent of Love inviting those silly dark ones into the circle of light and to drop their ways!

Catherine, what a bright soul you are. Thank you for shining your light with us for a while and may your property, when you find just the right one, be an oasis of happiness in the world!

Imad, well, you are just too cool! Thank you for blessing us with your sweet energy, and may others be as much of a blessing to you as you are to them! See you again in June! We look forward to it!

Justin, thanks for your beautiful heart, you’re a rare guy, and you are a gem in this world. We need lots more like you!

What a wonderful person you are Louise, smart, funny, kind. May laughter and joy always be with you wherever you are in the world!

Trevor, oh Trevor, what a darling you are, and your strength in your ability to be love, even as you had to tell everyone to shape up, wow! If we could all do it like you do. You are a beautiful father to your daughter and a good man!

Gabriel, such wisdom in such a young man, you are really in touch with what spirit is guiding you to do. What a beautiful road you walk, you’re on the right track young Jedi!

Felicity, I’m so glad you came. You are beautiful, worldly, good and wonderful! Sorry you got the flu so bad, but maybe it was perfect so you can see that support is there wherever you go, no matter what! Felicity (happiness) is the perfect name for you!

James, may your journeys always be bright and beautiful, and may that merkabah carry you far!


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