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Water Systems

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Water Systems: Rainwater, Bathrooms, & Showers


Collection of Rainwater & Bio-Sand Filters

When it rains it pours in Ecuador, and we collect all the rainwater from every rooftop on the property in rain gutters and tanks below them. Then the water is purified through bio-sand filters and put in the water tanks for irrigation and use in other areas on the land. When it rains, we can fill our tanks entirely. Ecuador is quite abundant in water, and it isn’t a coincidence that all of Ecuador’s electricity is generated by hydro-electric dams in the country. There is plenty of water.

Grey Water Distribution

Grey water is reused for other things, like gardens, toilets, washing a car, etc. This conserves water usage by a large amount. There is a spring which distributes potable water throughout the community, but we don’t want to tax the springs with too many people using water for things that don’t require potable water, like toilets.

Grey water is run through gravel and sand, and re-used in the toilets in order to cut down on our water usage. Shower water is still fairly clean water, so we might as well re-use it in the toilets before it goes to the septic tank.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


While we have composting outhouses in the outer reaches of the land where hiking occurs, we have grey water toilets at the more central areas of the property. This is a gentle way of reusing grey water before it flows to the septic tanks underground. Might as well!

If you look in the toilet, the water won’t be dirty at all, and you won’t even notice that it is grey water. We filter it in order to get everything out, but we don’t purify it enough to use for drinking. We only use potable water from the community for consumption.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”avada-custom-sidebar-sidebarleft”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_class=”below-content-widget-area”][vc_column][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”avada-custom-sidebar-event”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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