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Founder of Gaia Sagrada, Christine Breese, Metaphysical Sciences

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About Christine Breese, Facilitator at Gaia Sagrada & University of Metaphysical Sciences

christine breese

Christine Breese

If you would like to know more about Christine Breese who is the founder and facilitator at Gaia Sagrada Ayahuasca Retreat Center near Cuenca, Ecuador, feel free to visit her webpage at She is also the founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences in Arcata, California and you can see information about her there too.

Christine Breese’s goal with creating Gaia Sagrada is to bring plant medicines to the people in a safe way and introduce them to high caliber ayahuasca shamans and san pedro shamans in Ecuador.  Christine (52 years old in 2017, now considered an elder) has long worked with shamanism since the earliest part of her spiritual path, as well as studied many spiritual methods and techniques in order to be fully knowledgeable about the various ways in which people look for enlightenment.

You can find Christine Breese Videos and talks at her youtube channel, and Christine Breese Videos and talks at her vimeo channel. She is currently writing a book called Choose Yourself: The Power of One to Change the World and Integrity Handbook for Spiritual Teachers, Healers and Leaders. You can find her beautiful Free Meditations on youtube and at her website Christine Breese Free Meditations. Just do a search on google and you will find many video talks and free meditations by Christine Breese.

Christine Breese is not interested in money, power, or material wealth. She keeps her income very humble in order to have more money to work with in the businesses she created to reach the world and help people. She feels that this is an era of change that is very important for humanity, and this is not the time for making a lot of money. This is the time of change, and doing everything she can to help people during her lifetime is her primary goal. Christine offers a massive amount of free meditations, articles, instructionals, ebooks, book excerpts, videos and courses online. Just visit her website at Gaia Sagrada is one of her many projects, including University of Metaphysical Sciences.

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