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Spirit Plant Medicine Teachers

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Ayahuasca Spirit & San Pedro Spirit: Plant Medicine Teachers

Differences Between Ayahuasca Spirit and San Pedro Spirit Plant Medicine Teachers

Ayahuasca is the plant teacher of the Amazon, while San Pedro is the plant teacher of the Andes Mountains. Ayahuasca plant medicine teacher is considered the feminine, healing and knowledge-of-oneself aspect, while San Pedro plant medicine teacher is considered the masculine, expansive and macro-cosmic aspect.

As with all plant teachers / plant medicine families, each has a slightly different effect and feel. One plant teacher is never the same as another plant teacher, and each of them have something to teach us. Ayahuasca plant medicine is a very different experience than San Pedro plant medicine.

It is suggested to work with the Ayahuasca plant medicine teacher first or at the same time, because the San Pedro plant medicine teacher is not as lenient as the vine of the Ayahuasca plant medicine teacher spirit in the healing process.

San Pedro lasts a lot longer in your body than Ayahuasca too. While Ayahuasca can take 5-6 hours to finish its work with you in the ceremony, San Pedro can take around 12-24 hours to finish its work with you. It depends on how much you take.

Both medicines have something important and beautiful to show you. Each works with you in a different way, but the results are the same. A transformation is inevitable with both medicines!

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