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Travel to Cuenca, Ecuador, South America


  • Passport & Entry – You only need your passport, no Visa necessary, if your visit is under 3 months!
  • Getting to Gaia Sagrada  Information about flying into Ecuador, and getting to Gaia Sagrada.
  • Tips for Traveling Safely  Ecuador is a very friendly place, and you will most likely have a great experience while travelling. To help ensure this, Gaia Sagrada has put together a few simple safety tips for travel.



English is spoken primarily. Bi-Lingual staff are present as well. Spanish is the primary language of Ecuador. If you want to interact with the locals, you’ll have to practice your Spanish! Even if you take a quick Spanish I course at your local community college, that’s enough to get you going. Another language learning possibility is the Rosetta Stone course you can load onto your computer. We hear the Rosetta Stone CDs work well.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


  • Ecuador uses  US dollar
  • Bring a large quantity of $1’s and $5’s so you can make change

    About Cuenca, Ecuador

    Cuenca is considered the #1 place to retire in South America by International Living, and from our experience we can see why! All the modern amenities are in the Ecuadorian cities, high speed internet, cell phones, clean water and food, it’s all here. It is very much like middle class America   in Cuenca.

    Cuenca has a rich night life, many museums, as well as universities and a lot of cultural activities. Some refer to Cuenca as the cultural center of Ecuador because Cuenca is where all the artisans go. Cuenca is a little bit more expensive to live in than other cities in Ecuador.

    Quito is the capital of Ecuador so all the   business and political affairs go on there. Guayaquil is a port city where  imports and exports happen, and might be considered the Los Angeles or Miami of Ecuador. Cuenca is the cultural center of Ecuador and very historical.

    To know more about Cuenca, visit,_Ecuador or google Cuenca, Ecuador.

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